Thursday, May 9, 2013

What I've learned from being sixteen

Before I turned sixteen, I had this idea of what it would be like. According to me, sixteen was filled with happiness; it would be the year that I would flourish. Boy, was I hopeful.

Well hey. I was very wrong indeed. 

Being sixteen turned out to be a swirling vortex of heartbreak, disappointment and sadness for me. I won't go into detail here, but it's safe to say my experience of this "monumental" age was a major letdown.

However, it's not all bad. With less than a week until my seventeenth, I can safely say I've been learning new things throughout the past year. Of that I'm quite proud.

Such things are as follows:

1. People can be disappointing.
2. Building up confidence is a long and hard process. It's not something that happens overnight. But you should never let that put you off.
3. Wallowing is a necessary part of getting over a bad breakup.
4. People come and go. But that's okay, because there are others out there waiting to fill their place.
5. Sometimes we just need to give ourselves time and let go.
6. It takes effort, but it's completely doable to keep your head held high.
7. Film music is freaking awesome.

Being a teenager really sucks. But you know what? These things are just part of life. And I'm hopeful that things will only get better from here. Doesn't necessarily mean it's gonna be easy, or even happy most of the time. In fact, it's okay that life can't be happy all the time. Because the deep sadness you're feeling only sharpens the effect of true happiness when it comes back.

I'm not sure what to expect of seventeen, other than the fact that I'll legally be able to have sex. 
(Oh goody. Fellas, form a line.)

However, learning all of these things has helped me grow as a person. Of course, I've still got a long way to go. But I look forward to the journey.

Ah corniness.

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