Friday, April 5, 2013

The fear of Tumblr

In finding a suitable site to start up a blog, a lot of places suggest Tumblr. For me to have chosen this would've been the worst possible decision.

There's a reason why I'm scared of creating a Tumblr account. Whilst it's practically the king of social networks, Tumblr has a reputation of... Well, how else can I put it. Draining people's social lives. Kinda like how dementors suck happiness from people's souls in Harry Potter.
(Too dramatic?)

I can almost certainly tell that if I were to create an account, my social life would crumble even further than it already has. Not to mention my sleeping patterns and my overall sanity. 

As a student, I already struggle with keeping things in check. And yes, I spend way too much time on the net anyway. (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Pottermore, how I love you...) 
Luckily I don't spend so much time that it severely affects my studying... though I'd be lying if I said it wasn't borderline. Plus I have friendships to uphold, musical instruments to practice and concerts in which to perform as well as to attend. It's a fair bit.

So what would happen were I to create an account? BAM. So long, social life. Nice knowing you.

Surely there are other people with this fear. Honestly, I don't know how my friends do it.

That's not to say that all people who have Tumblr are subject to this outcome. Some might have an account and have found a balance between their life and the internet. (Kudos to you, you deserve a medal.) But much to my dismay, I know for a fact that I wouldn't be remotely close to having this balance. If I go onto a website and I like it and it appeals to me, I become attached. It's just how I operate.

I'm not calling people with Tumblr complete losers with no life purpose or anything like that. We can all agree it's a pretty awesome site. Most of those gifs and memes absolutely crack me up.

I'm just not prepared to become part of it just yet. I'll probably give into it one day, ONLY when I have literally nothing else to do with my life. You'll hold me to that, won't you? Great.

To all whose lives have been taken (excuse the dramatics) by Tumblr, I salute you.

But for now, I think Blogger's a smarter choice for me.

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